Emmaus Cornwall

Help us create our Emmaus community in Cornwall to support homeless people

About us

We aim to raise a total of £1million over the next few years to help us open the first Emmaus community in Cornwall to combat rising homelessness in the area.

Our vision is for a world in which everyone has a home and a sense of belonging.

Cornwall is suffering acutely from the impact of the economic downturn, with more and more people living in poverty, struggling to make ends meet, and many finding themselves homeless. The devastating economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, increased living costs and the end to eviction bans has meant that a significantly greater number of local people are now without a permanent home, with the charity Crisis predicting a 'tidal wave' of people in need still to come. Homelessness does not just mean rough sleeping; local foodbanks report a huge increase in people sofa surfing and sleeping in their cars.

An Emmaus community in Cornwall will offer a home and meaningful work for those who have experienced homelessness.

Becoming homeless has a devastating impact on someone’s self-esteem. This is not something that is always resolved just because they get a roof over their head. Emmaus offers something different. Those coming to live at an Emmaus community are provided with a home for as long as they need it, companionship from others and a sense of purpose, as everyone works together to support their community. There will be no time limit at our Emmaus community; people can stay for a few months until they are ready to move on, or can stay for years if they require longer-term support.

There are many ways you can help us reach our goal:

Make a one-off donation or set up a direct debit
You can do this by simply clicking the 'donate now' button at the top of this page. We are extremely grateful for all donations, whatever the amount!

Create your own fundraiser
Setting yourself a challenge? Having a celebration and want to ask for donations to charity in lieu of gifts? This could be a great opportunity for you to ask friends, family and colleagues to support you by donating to Emmaus Cornwall. You can create your own fundraiser through our page by clicking on the 'start a fundraiser' button at the top. We can help you promote your fundraiser too!

Arrange your own event
Interested in holding your own event for Emmaus Cornwall? In the past we've had supporters hold bake sales, quiz nights, and music nights. Las year, a superstar 7-year-old raised £288 for our charity by doing a bake sale! There are many more events you can do to suit your interests and hobbies. Whatever you choose to do, please let us know. We can help promote your activity and would love to provide you with posters and leaflets if needed.


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